A Real World Education
STHC welcomes the rich legacy of University relations for petroleum and geological research. The goal of consortium research is to produce advances in petroleum engineering technology through the combined efforts of faculty, post-doctoral researchers and highly qualified graduate students—in cooperation with companies who share these same values.
STHC is excited to be integrated into this valuable community that develops future technologies in the Oil & Gas Industry. Two consortiums we are a part of include:
The Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research
STHC recently become a consortium member of the Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research. The consortium includes participation from Chevron, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Anadarko, Baker Hughes, BG Group, BHP Billiton, BP, ConocoPhillips, Drillinginfo, ExxonMobil, Hess Energy, IHS, INPEX Corporation, KNOC, Marathon Oil Corporation, Nexen, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Total and Woodside.
The vision of the Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research is to provide a vehicle to enhance development of petroleum engineering technology through cutting-edge, industry-directed research. These enhancements are conducted in four dedicated research Centers in the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University.
The mission of the Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research is to produce significant advances in upstream petroleum engineering technology.
RAPID: Rig Automation & Performance Improvement in Drilling
A Drilling Research Consortium
STHC has joined the RAPID consortium program, founded within the last few years. The program is led by Dr. Eric van Oort, who joined the University of Texas, Austin staff after more than 20 years’ industry experience with Royal Dutch Shell. Current research for RAPID includes automation control systems for Managed Pressured drilling, Optimization Modeling, Drilling Fluid Geosteering & Control, Development of Tortuosity Index and undergraduate ROV competition support.
RAPID has developed their initial research goals to “reduce the drilling/completion time/cost and the number of individuals at the rig site by >50%”. Their outlook is to educate the “automation generation” of drilling engineers with an emphasis on automation.
Sinopec Tech knows the value in providing funding towards R&D Engineering programs. We will continue to sponsor local universities having strong R&D programs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (S.T.E.M.). Helping support local universities and our community, prepares a better future without limit.