Wellbeing Through Workplace Initiatives
Few areas are more critical in the petroleum industry than Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE). By integrating these initiatives into all aspects of STHC’s R&D activities, we protect our employees, communities and the environment, ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and develop technologies that expand the sustainable capacity of the world.
Our HSE practices reflect our values and help us meet our business objectives, but most importantly we coach every employee to practice HSE both inside and out of the workplace. By challenging every employee to improve upon our standards and take safety practices into their homes and communities, employees choose to make HSE an integral part of their everyday lives.
STHC cares about the health and wellness of our employees, and our ultimate goal is to achieve zero recordable incidents. It is our commitment to implement stringent controls that mitigate employee exposure to physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic risks – these practices are critical to the success of our HSE workplace initiatives.
Again, it is the responsibility of every STHC employee to execute their personal and work activities in such a manner as to prevent all circumstances which could lead to incidents that may cause personal injury or illness.
At STHC, we have a commitment to safety that shapes decision-making at every level. Every employee deserves to work in a safe environment. We value safety rules and standards, and have procedures in place that guide our staff to practice best safety protocols. We pride ourselves on developing a culture in which the value of safety is immersed in every part of our business.
Developing a culture of safety is a long journey. However, practicing safety leadership and compliance, setting expectations and providing a solid structure with ongoing education and awareness will reinforce and reward our working environment. Ultimately, STHC will be able to manage risk effectively and efficiently and become a safe and protected place to work.

Environmental risk management is extremely important for our business, the world in which we live and a perpetual future. At STHC, we prepare, identify, manage and prevent potential risks to our environment daily. We conduct our business with care for the environment, and we strive to meet the ongoing challenges in our industry. We accomplish this by understanding our roles and responsibilities, and by always protecting and enhancing human and natural resources that are vital to our future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility throughout our research programs.